A balanced and optimized IT infrastructure, workload acceleration, and data protection is a must for enterprises to be competitive. AMD has been on the forefront of solving these challenges by delivering leadership innovations. The new AMD EPYCTM 7Fx2 Series Processors provide businesses advanced security features and groud-breaking performance with Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI), Databases (DB) and Commercial High Performance Computing (HPC) applications - enabling faster business insights and time to volume while helping optimize TCO.
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Virtually everything runs better on AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series powered servers. Whether you run enterprise applications, virtualized and cloud computing environments, software-defined infrastructure, high-performance computing, or data analytic applications. EPYC™ processor-based systems are #1 on industry benchmarks, including those measuring integer, floating-point, virtualization, database, and HPC performance1. EPYC™ 7742 processor has set new world records that establish AMD as THE performance leader.
Cloud & Virtualization Performance - VMmark® 1.43X2
@ 14 Tiles
2x AMD EPYCTM 7702
@ 9 Tiles
2x Intel Platinum 8280
Floating- Point Permormance - SPECrate® 2017_fp_base2
2x AMD EPYCTM 7742
2x Intel Platinum 8280
JAVA Performance - SPECrate® 2015-Multi-JVMax-JOPS2
2x AMD EPYCTM 7742
2x Intel Platinum 8280
Integer Performance- SPECrate® 2017_int_base2
2x AMD EPYCTM 7742
2x Intel Platinum 8280
HPC Performance- ANSYS Fluent®2
2x AMD EPYCTM 7742
2x Intel Platinum 8280
AMD EPYC™ has been engineered for datacenters that rely on CPU performance. From oil and gas exploration, to in-memory databases, to big data analytics to production rendering to standard datacenter applications, highly parallel workloads have more cores to work with. AMD EPYC™ 7002 generation processors scale from 8 to 64 cores (16 to 128 threads per socket). No other x86 vendor today enables such a core density in the market5.
2nd Gen EPYC™ helps safeguard privacy and integrity by encrypting each virtual machine with one of up to 509 unique encryption keys known only to the processor. This aids in protecting confidentiality of your data even if a malicious virtual machine finds a way into your virtual machine’s memory, or a compromised hypervisor reaches into a guest virtual machine.
AMD takes pride in having transparent relationships with its partners and customers. This means having an “all-in” feature set that isn’t contrived to extract higher prices from customers. With AMD EPYC™, you have the agility to choose the processor your application requires without worrying about whether an important feature or capability is included. Whatever the number of cores you choose, you’ll have the I/O, memory, and memory bandwidth to accomplish what you need.
AMD EPYC™ is the first and only current x86-architecture server processor supporting PCIe® 4.06. PCIe® 4.0 delivers double the I/O performance over PCIe® 3.0. You can use 128 lanes of I/O to double the network bandwidth that ties together HPC clusters and satisfies voracious needs for east-west bandwidth. For other application needs and in virtualized environments, you can connect with higher speed to GPU accelerators, NVMe drives, and you can even use integrated disk controllers to access spinning disks without the typical bottleneck of a PCIe RAID controller.
ThinkSystem SR655 is a 2U/1P rack server optimized for GPU-intensive and software-defined workloads
For more information, visit Lenovo official website https://www.lenovo.com/sg/en/data-center/servers/racks/ThinkSystem-SR655/p/77XX7SRSR75
Together, Lenovo and AMD, set a new leadership that set a new standard for the modern datacenter
A 2P/2U rack server equipped with dual AMD EPYC™ 7002 series CPUs, the ThinkSystem SR665 features the performance and configuration capabilities to tackle key enterprise data center workloads such as database, big data & analytics, virtualization, VDI, and HPC/ AI solutions.
For more information, visit Lenovo official website https://www.lenovo.com/sg/en/data-center/servers/racks/ThinkSystem-SR665/p/77XX7SR552S
WWith encrypted memory, attacks on the integrity of main memory (such as cold-boot attacks) are inhibited because any data obtained is encrypted. High-performance encryption engines integrated into the memory controllers help speed performance. All of this is accomplished without modifications to your application software.
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