Marketo Program Name
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Marketo Program Name
(Entry Point Description in Source Code Generator)

Generic MIDAS Code for non Invested activities

Primary Campaign MIDAS CODE
CORP: Brand Smarter AI for All APGC2420
CORP: Sponsorship APGC2422
CORP: TechWorld APGC2423
GLOB: BG Sponsorship APGC2424
GLOB: Premium - Smarter Technology Solutions ITDM APGC2425
GLOB: Premium - Workstation APGC2426
GLOB: IDG Brand Smarter AI for All- PLATFORM APGC2427
GLOB: IDG Smarter AI for All- COMM AMD APGC2428
GLOB: IDG Smarter AI for All- COMM Intel APGC2429
GLOB: IDG Smarter AI for All- COMM Windows 11 APGC2430
GLOB: IDG Smarter AI for All- COMM QC APGC2431
GLOB: IDG Smarter AI for All- Hybrid/Cross BU APGC2432
COMM: Channel Facing Campaign APGC2433
COMM: Mid Market customer APGC2434
COMM: LNV facilities Tour APGC2435
COMM: Education APGC2436
COMM: Options APGC2437
COMM: SSG offerings DWS-DAAS APGC2438
COMM: ThinkCentre APGC2439
COMM: ThinkPad APGC2440
COMM: ThinkPad AI APGC2441
COMM: Verticals APGC2442
COMM: Visuals APGC2443
COMM: Workstation AP & Local APGC2444


Program Channel Code
Email EMK
Live Event EVT
Tradeshow EIE
Newsletter ENL
Nurture ENP
Online Advertising OA
Operational OPS
Telemarketing TQM
Virtual Event ELE
Website (Gated Content) FLD
Website (Ungated Content) FRM
Website (Contact Me form) CTM
Webinar WBN