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Moving to the Edge with Lenovo

IDC predicts that by 2023, over 50% of new infrastructure will be edge infrastructure.

With new IT models such as IoT you need to shorten response times to create real-time insights and customer experiences. Placing infrastructure closer to where data is generated gives you a competitive advantage. At the edge you can process more data, faster, securely and more efficiently, to create amazing real-time insights and digital experiences.

We would love to introduce our versatile ThinkSystem SE350 server powered by Intel® and Lenovo's wider edge portfolio to help you build your customized edge solution.

Please leave your details now so we can schedule a call with you.

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Do you like what you see?

Take a look at these case studies to learn more about the ThinkSystem SE350 and how other customers are applying edge computing in their business.



Keeping citizens safe throughout a global pandemic by leveraging AI technology.

Cellnex Telecom Mobility Lab

Optimizing the operation of sustainable communication sites.
Surrey County Council

Surrey County Council

Guarding against cyber threats without straining critical networking bandwidth.

Want to know more?

Prefer to have just the hard facts without the marketing talk?

Read the ThinkSystem SE350 product guide